Únase a los presentadores de Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure, Jenny Owen Youngs y Kristin Russo, para Buffy Prom y el lanzamiento de su libro Slayers, Every One of Us , que se estrenará el martes 8 de abril de 2025 a las 8:00 p. m., hora del Este de EE. UU.

En 2022, tomamos por asalto el campus de Sunnydale (también conocido como Torrance High School, el lugar de rodaje de Sunnydale High de Buffy la cazavampiros) con un baile de graduación de Buffy de dos noches que realmente nos dejó a todos asombrados.

Ahora, para celebrar el lanzamiento de nuestro libro (!!!) Slayers, Every One of Us , volvemos a Hellmouth para otro fin de semana de baile, bocadillos de los 90 y entusiasmo por Buffy.

¡Jenny y Kristin aparecerán en vivo y en el chat para responder tus preguntas durante el estreno!

¡Únase a nosotros para disfrutar de un momento divertido, nostálgico y vampírico, garantizado sin Hellhounds!

¿No puedes acompañarnos el día 8? Podrás ver todo el evento hasta el 25 de abril de 2025 .

Preguntas frecuentes

How do I access the stream?

Directly after purchasing your ticket, you will receive two emails from StagePilot. One is a receipt for your purchase, the other includes instructions on how to log into the event. StagePilot will also send reminders leading up to the event.

I haven't received my link or code.

An email was sent from noreply@events.stagepilot.com with your login info after you purchased your ticket(s). Please check your SPAM folder and mark it as Not Spam or Not Junk to be sure you receive future communications. If you don’t see it, shoot us an email at support@stagepilot.com.

What device and browser can I use to watch the event?

You can watch the event on a computer, smartphone, tablet, or smart TV. Please be sure your browser is up to date and you have a stable internet connection. Here’s a list of our supported browsers.

Help, I can't access the event!

We are sorry to hear you are having issues accessing the event. Please take a look at these troubleshooting tips. We recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome. We also recommend clearing your cache and cookies if you are already on the most updated version of your browser. If you're still having trouble, contact us at support@stagepilot.com.

Can I watch the event on my TV?

You can cast to a Chromecast device from the Google Chrome browser or use AirPlay to watch on Apple TV from the Safari browser. See below for further instructions.

Apple TV

How do I rewatch the show?

Once you have redeemed your code, you'll automatically be routed to the stream and can remain logged in to access the show at any time until Friday, April 25, 2025. If you log out, you can use the same 8 digit code to log back in and access the show. If you have to refresh or lose connection in the middle of the stream, you will resume where you left off once you rejoin.

Can I share my code?

Codes can only be used by one person. Any codes found to be shared will be voided.

What if I have more questions?

We're here to help! Contact us any time at support@stagepilot.com.